SD Model Makers > Patrol and PT Boat Models > Patrol Gunboat (PG) Models

Patrol Gunboat (PG) Models

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  • $1295.00
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Patrol Gunboats (PG) are the largest of the US Navy's coastal patrol craft, and were conceived in the early 1960's in response to the volatile Cuban Missile Crisis, intended primarily for coastal patrol and blockade operations as well providing task force protection against possible patrol boat missile threat. Because of their high speed and maneuverability, the gunboats were valuable in support of inshore raiding and reconnaissance operations. Their speed also enabled them to shadow enemy vessels for the purpose of collecting special intelligence.

Any service era or vessel configuration - We can build a model of them all - your pick.

We offer our Patrol Gunboat (PG) Models in several poplular size/scale offerings for easy ordering and selection.  However, if you would like your model made in a size other than those sizes listed, please contact us with your request. Custom orders are our specialty! 

USS Yorktown (PG-1)
USS Ready (PG-67) ex-HMS Calendula (K28)USS San Pedro (PG-145) Reclassified PF-37
USS Petrel (PG-2)USS Impulse (PG-68) ex-HMS Begonia (K66)USS Coronado (PG-146) Reclassified PF-38
USS Concord (PG-3)USS Fury (PG-69) ex-HMS Larkspur (K82)USS Ogden (PG-147) Reclassified PF-39
USS Bennington (PG-4)USS Courage (PG-70) ex-HMS Heartsease (K15)USS Eugene (PG-148) Reclassified PF-40
USS Machias (PG-5)USS Tenacity (PG-71) ex-HMS Candytuft (K09)USS El Paso (PG-149) Reclassified PF-41
USS Castine (PG-6)USS Nourmahal (PG-72)USS Van Buren (PG-150) Reclassified PF-42
USS Nashville (PG-7)USS Natchez (PG-85) ex-Corsair (SP 159), renamed and reclassified Oceanographer (AGS-3)USS Orange (PG-151) Reclassified PF-43
USS Wilmington (PG-8) reclassified USS Dover (IX-30)USS Action (PG-86) ex-HMS Comfrey (277)PG-152 Renamed and reclassified USS Corpus Christi (PF-44)
USS Helena (PG-9)USS Alacrity (PG-87) ex-HMS Cornel (278)USS Hutchinson (PG-153) Reclassified PF-45
USS Annapolis (PG-10) Reclassified IX-1USS Beacon (PG-88) ex-HMS Dittany (K279)USS Bisbee (PG-154) Reclassified PF-46
USS Vicksburg (PG-11)USS Brisk (PG-89) ex-HMS Flax (284)USS Gallup (PG-155) Reclassified PF-47
USS Newport (PG-12) Reclassified IX-19USS Caprice (PG-90) to Great Britain as HMS Honesty (K285)USS Rockford (PG-156) Reclassified PF-48
USS Princeton (PG-13)USS Clash (PG-91) to Great Britain as HMS Linaria (K282)USS Muskogee (PG-157) Reclassified PF-49
USS Wheeling (PG-14) Reclassified IX-28USS Haste (PG-92) ex HMS Mandrake (K287)USS Carson City (PG-158) Reclassified PF-50
USS Marietta (PG-15)USS Intensity (PG-93) formerly HMS Milfoil (K288)USS Burlington (PG-159) Reclassified PF-51
USS Palos (PG-16) Reclassified PR-1USS Might (PG-94) ex-HMS Musk (289)USS Allentown (PG-160) Reclassified PF-52
USS Dubuque (PG-17) ex-IX-9USS Pert (PG-95) ex-HMS Nepeta (290)USS Machias (PG-161) Reclassified PF-53
USS Paducah (PG-18) ex-IX-23USS Prudent (PG-96) ex-HMS Privet (K291)USS Sandusky (PG-162) Reclassified PF-54
USS Sacramento (PG-19)USS Splendor (PG-97) to Great Britain as HMS Rosebay (286)USS Bath (PG-163) Reclassified PF-55
USS Monocacy (PG-20) Reclassified PR-2USS Tact (PG-98) to Great Britain as HMS Smilax (280)USS Covington (PG-164) Reclassified PF-56
USS Asheville (PG-21)USS Vim (PG-99) to Great Britain as HMS Statice (281)USS Sheboygan (PG-165) Reclassified PF-57
USS Tulsa (PG-22) Renamed TaclobanUSS Vitality (PG-100) to Great Britain as HMS Willowherb (283)USS Abilene (PG-166) Reclassified PF-58
USS Nantucket (PG-23) Reclassified IX-18USS Asheville (PG-101) Reclassified PF-1USS Beaufort (PG-167) Reclassified PF-59
USS Dolphin (PG-24)USS Natchez (PG-102) Reclassified PF-2USS Charlotte (PG-168) Reclassified PF-60
USS Marblehead (PG-27) ex-C-11PG-107 to Great Britain as HMS Inver (K302)USS Manitowoc (PG-169) Reclassified PF-61
USS Denver (PG-28) ex-C-14/CL-16PG-108 to Great Britain as HMS Lossie (K303)USS Gladwyne (PG-170) Reclassified PF-62
USS Des Moines (PG-29) ex-C-15/CL-17PG-109 to Great Britain as HMS Parret (K304)USS Moberly (PG-171) Renamed and reclassified USS Scranton (PF-63)
USS Chattanooga (PG-30) ex-C-16/CL-18USS Shiel (PG-110) to Great Britain as HMS Shiel (305)USS Knoxville (PG-172) Reclassified PF-64
USS Galveston (PG-31) ex-C-17/CL-19USS Tacoma (PG-111) Reclassified PF-3USS Uniontown (PG-173) Reclassified PF-65
USS Tacoma (PG-32) ex-C-18/CL-20USS Sausalito (PG-112) Reclassified PF-4USS Reading (PG-174) Reclassified PF-66
USS Cleveland (PG-33) ex-C-19/CL-21USS Holquain (PG-113) Reclassified PF-5USS Peoria (PG-175) Reclassified PF-67
USS New Orleans (PG-34) Reclassified CL-22USS Pasco (PG-114) Reclassified PF-6USS Brunswick (PG-176) Reclassified PF-68
USS Topeka (PG-35) Reclassified IX-35USS Albuquerque (PG-115) Reclassified PF-7USS Davenport (PG-177) Reclassified PF-69
USS Albany (PG-36) Reclassified CL-23USS Everett (PG-116) Reclassified PF-8USS Evansville (PG-178) Reclassified PF-70
USS Elcano (PG-38)USS Pocatello (PG-117) Reclassified PF-9USS New Bedford (PG-179) Reclassified PF-71
USS Pampanga (PG-39)USS Brownsville (PG-118) Reclassified PF-10PG-180 Named/Reclassified USS Hallowell (PF-72)
USS Quiros (PG-40)USS Grand Forks (PG-119) Reclassified PF-11USS Hammond (PG-181) Reclassified PF-73
USS Samar (PG-41)USS Casper (PG-120) Reclassified PF-12USS Hargood (PG-182) Reclassified PF-74
USS Villalobos (PG-42)USS Pueblo (PG-121) Reclassified PF-13USS Hotham (PG-183) Reclassified PF-75
USS Guam (PG-43)  reclassified USS Wake (PR-3)USS Grand Island (PG-122) Reclassified PF-14USS Halstead (PG-184) Reclassified PF-76
USS Tutuila (PG-44) Reclassified PR-4USS Annapolis (PG-123) Reclassified PF-15USS Hannam (PG-185) Reclassified PF-77
USS Panay (PR-5) Reclassified PR-5USS Bangor (PG-124) Reclassified PF-16USS Harland (PG-186) Reclassified PF-78
USS Oahu (PR-6) ex-PG-46USS Key West (PG-125) Reclassified PF-17USS Harmon (PG-187) Reclassified PF-79
USS Luzon (PG-47) Reclassified PR-7USS Alexandria (PG-126) Reclassified PF-18USS Harvey (PG-188) Reclassified PF-80
USS Mindanao (PR-8) Reclassified from PG-48USS Huron (PG-127) Reclassified PF-19USS Holmes (PG-189) Reclassified PF-81
USS Fulton (PG-49) ex-AS-1USS Gulfport (PG-128) Reclassified PF-20USS Hornby (PG-190) Reclassified PF-82
USS Erie (PG-50)USS Bayonne (PG-129) Reclassified PF-21USS Hoste (PG-191) Reclassified PF-83
USS Charleston (PG-51)USS Gloucester (PG-130) Reclassified PF-22USS Howett (PG-192) Reclassified PF-84
USS Niagara (PG-52) ex-CMc-2 Reclassified AGP-1USS Shreveport (PG-131) Reclassified PF-23USS Pilford (PG-193) Reclassified PF-85
USS Vixen (PG-53)USS Muskegon (PG-132) Reclassified PF-24PG-194 Renamed and reclassified USS Pasley (PF-86)
USS St. Augustine (PG-54)USS Charlottesville (PG-133) Reclassified PF-25PG-195 Renamed and reclassified USS Patton (PF-87)
USS Jamestown (PG-55) Reclassified AGP-3USS Poughkeepsie (PG-134) Reclassified PF-26USS Tortola (PG-199) Reclassified PF-91
USS Williamsburg (PG-56) Reclassified AGC-369USS Newport (PG-135) Reclassified PF-27USS Roanoke (PG-201) Renamed and reclassified USS Lorain (PF-93)
USS Plymouth (PG-57)USS Emporia (PG-136) Reclassified PF-28USS Milledgeville (PG-202) Reclassified PF-94
USS Hilo (PG-58) Reclassified AGP-2USS Groton (PG-137) Reclassified PF-29PG-203
USS San Bernardino (PG-59)USS Hingham (PG-138) Reclassified PF-30PG-204 Contract cancelled 31 December 1943
USS Beaumont (PG-60)USS Grand Rapids (PG-139) Reclassified PF-31USS Vallejo (PG-205) Renamed and reclassified USS Lorain (PF-97); contract cancelled 11 January 1944
USS Dauntless (PG-61)USS Woonsocket (PG-140) Reclassified PF-32PG-206 Contract cancelled 31 December 1943
USS Temptress (PG-62) ex-HMS Veronica (K37)USS Dearborn (PG-141) Reclassified PF-33USS Orlando (PG-207) Reclassified PF-99
USS Surprise (PG-63) ex-HMS Heliotrope (K03)USS Long Beach (PG-142) Reclassified PF-34USS Racine (PG-208) Reclassified PF-100
USS Spry (PG-64) ex-HMS Hibiscus (K24)USS Belfast (PG-143) Reclassified PF-35USS Greensboro (PG-209) Reclassified PF-101
USS Saucy (PG-65) ex-HMS Arabis (K73), renamed HMS Snapdragon on returnUSS Glendale (PG-144) Reclassified PF-36USS Forsyth (PG-210) Reclassified PF-102
USS Restless (PG-66) ex-HMS Periwinkle (K55)  

Our models are made-to-order, meaning that we do not stock any pre-made models.  Only when a customer tells us the size and/or scale desired do we build the model. Each model is exquisitely crafted by our master model builders and comes fully assembled with a solid hull - hand carved from kiln-dried mahogany.  Other parts are made from a variety of woods, putty, resin and metals. Every model includes pedestals, mounted on a polished mahogany base board. Options include keel block mounting, waterline models, nameplates, ships seals and ribbons, and weathering paint schemes.

The model build time is generally 16 weeks from receipt of the order and deposit. The normal procedure is a 50% deposit with the commissioning, with the balance due prior to shipping.  Note that prior to shipping, we take a series of photos of the model and send them to you for final review and approval – so you know exactly what your model will look like and allow for any necessary modifications. Once you have approved your model, we’ll collect the final balance and she will be shipped in a robust shipping crate and insured for your protection.

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: In the unlikely event you are not completely satisfied with your model and wish to return it, notify us within 7 days of the model delivery and we will issue a refund or exchange.

FREE SHIPPING in the USA - Note that our model prices include shipping and insurance within the USA.

Shipping costs outside the USA will depend on the model size ordered and shipping destination. You will be responsible for any applicable taxes or duties, based on the commercial invoice value for the model.

Add a museum-like touch to your model display - Consider our protective display case option. Keep fingers and dust away - forever!  Please visit our Display Case page to see our selection.

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