SD Model Makers > Destroyer Models > Fletcher Class Destroyer Models

Fletcher Class Destroyer Models

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  • $1295.00
  • SKU
    SDMM-Destroyer- Fletcher Class-12-inch-master

Between 1942 and 1944 the United States Navy commissioned 175 Fletcher class destroyers, more than any other destroyer class. These “2,100 tonners” are viewed as the most successful of all US Navy destroyers, being fast (design speed of 38 knots), relatively roomy, and a capable fighting machine - armed with five 5” guns in single mounts and carrying ten 21” torpedo s in twin quintuple centerline mounts. With postwar service in the US Navy and fourteen foreign navies, the class remained a familiar sight around the globe into the 1990s.

Fletchers were built in two visually distinctive variations: Round-bridge (also known as high-bridge) had a curved pilot house; square-bridge (or low-bridge) has a more angular pilot house that was roomier, had better visibility and was easier to fabricate; no round-bridge examples remain. In addition, after World War II the mainmasts on most Fletchers were converted to tripods to better support heavier radar antennas. Other variations included seaplane catapults, a variety of post-war weapon upgrades and radar antennas. Any service era or vessel configuration - We can build a model of them all - your pick.

Ships by Hull Number
Alphabetical Listing
  1. DD 445 Fletcher
  2. DD 446 Radford
  3. DD 447 Jenkins
  4. DD 448 La Vallette
  5. DD 449 Nicholas
  6. DD 450 O'Bannon
  7. DD 451 Chevalier
  8. DD 465 Saufley
  9. DD 466 Waller
  10. DD 467 Strong
  11. DD 468 Taylor
  12. DD 469 De Haven
  13. DD 470 Bache
  14. DD 471 Beale
  15. DD 472 Guest
  16. DD 473 Bennett
  17. DD 474 Fullam
  18. DD 475 Hudson
  19. DD 476 Hutchins
  20. DD 477 Pringle
  21. DD 478 Stanly
  22. DD 479 Stevens
  23. DD 480 Halford
  24. DD 481 Leutze
  25. DD 498 Philip
  26. DD 499 Renshaw
  27. DD 500 Ringgold
  28. DD 501 Schroeder
  29. DD 502 Sigsbee
  30. DD 507 Conway
  31. DD 508 Cony
  32. DD 509 Converse
  33. DD 510 Eaton
  34. DD 511 Foote
  35. DD 512 Spence
  36. DD 513 Terry
  37. DD 514 Thatcher
  38. DD 515 Anthony
  39. DD 516 Wadsworth
  40. DD 517 Walker
  41. DD 518 Brownson
  42. DD 519 Daly
  43. DD 520 Isherwood
  44. DD 521 Kimberly
  45. DD 522 Luce
  46. DD 526 Abner Read
  47. DD 527 Ammen
  48. DD 528 Mullany
  49. DD 529 Bush
  50. DD 530 Trathen
  51. DD 531 Hazelwood
  52. DD 532 Heermann
  53. DD 533 Hoel
  54. DD 534 McCord
  55. DD 535 Miller
  56. DD 536 Owen
  57. DD 537 The Sullivans
  58. DD 538 Stephen Potter
  59. DD 539 Tingey
  60. DD 540 Twining
  61. DD 541 Yarnall
  62. DD 544 Boyd
  63. DD 545 Bradford
  64. DD 546 Brown
  65. DD 547 Cowell
  66. DD 550 Capps
  67. DD 551 David W. Taylor
  68. DD 552 Evans
  69. DD 553 John D. Henley
  70. DD 554 Franks
  71. DD 555 Haggard
  72. DD 556 Hailey
  73. DD 557 Johnston
  74. DD 558 Laws
  75. DD 559 Longshaw
  76. DD 560 Morrison
  77. DD 561 Prichett
  78. DD 562 Robinson
  79. DD 563 Ross
  80. DD 564 Rowe
  81. DD 565 Smalley
  82. DD 566 Stoddard
  83. DD 567 Watts
  84. DD 568 Wren
  85. DD 569 Aulick
  86. DD 570 Charles Ausburne
  87. DD 571 Claxton
  88. DD 572 Dyson
  89. DD 573 Harrison
  90. DD 574 John Rodgers
  91. DD 575 McKee
  92. DD 576 Murray
  93. DD 577 Sproston
  94. DD 578 Wickes
  95. DD 579 William D. Porter
  96. DD 580 Young
  97. DD 581 Charrette
  98. DD 582 Conner
  99. DD 583 Hall
  100. DD 584 Halligan
  101. DD 585 Haraden
  102. DD 586 Newcomb
  103. DD 587 Bell
  104. DD 588 Burns
  105. DD 589 Izard
  106. DD 590 Paul Hamilton
  107. DD 591 Twiggs
  108. DD 592 Howorth
  109. DD 593 Killen
  110. DD 594 Hart
  111. DD 595 Metcalf
  112. DD 596 Shields
  113. DD 597 Wiley
  114. DD 629 Abbot
  115. DD 630 Braine
  116. DD 631 Erben
  117. DD 642 Hale
  118. DD 643 Sigourney
  119. DD 644 Stembel
  120. DD 649 Albert W. Grant
  121. DD 650 Caperton
  122. DD 651 Cogswell
  123. DD 652 Ingersoll
  124. DD 653 Knapp
  125. DD 654 Bearss
  126. DD 655 John Hood
  127. DD 656 Van Valkenburgh
  128. DD 657 Charles J. Badger
  129. DD 658 Colahan
  130. DD 659 Dashiell
  131. DD 660 Bullard
  132. DD 661 Kidd
  133. DD 662 Bennion
  134. DD 663 Heywood L. Edwards
  135. DD 664 Richard P. Leary
  136. DD 665 Bryant
  137. DD 666 Black
  138. DD 667 Chauncey
  139. DD 668 Clarence K. Bronson
  140. DD 669 Cotten
  141. DD 670 Dortch
  142. DD 671 Gatling
  143. DD 672 Healy
  144. DD 673 Hickox
  145. DD 674 Hunt
  146. DD 675 Lewis Hancock
  147. DD 676 Marshall
  148. DD 677 McDermut
  149. DD 678 McGowan
  150. DD 679 McNair
  151. DD 680 Melvin
  152. DD 681 Hopewell
  153. DD 682 Porterfield
  154. DD 683 Stockham
  155. DD 684 Wedderburn
  156. DD 685 Picking
  157. DD 686 Halsey Powell
  158. DD 687 Uhlmann
  159. DD 688 Remey
  160. DD 689 Wadleigh
  161. DD 690 Norman Scott
  162. DD 691 Mertz
  163. DD 792 Callaghan
  164. DD 793 Cassin Young
  165. DD 794 Irwin
  166. DD 795 Preston
  167. DD 796 Benham
  168. DD 797 Cushing
  169. DD 798 Monssen
  170. DD 799 Jarvis
  171. DD 800 Porter
  172. DD 801 Colhoun
  173. DD 802 Gregory
  174. DD 803 Little
  175. DD 804 Rooks
  • Abbot DD 629
  • Abner Read DD 526
  • Albert W. Grant DD 649
  • Ammen DD 527
  • Anthony DD 515
  • Aulick DD 569
  • Bache DD 470
  • Beale DD 471
  • Bearss DD 654
  • Bell DD 587
  • Benham DD 796
  • Bennett DD 473
  • Bennion DD 662
  • Black DD 666
  • Boyd DD 544
  • Bradford DD 545
  • Braine DD 630
  • Brown DD 546
  • Brownson DD 518
  • Bryant DD 665
  • Bullard DD 660
  • Burns DD 588
  • Bush DD 529
  • Callaghan DD 792
  • Caperton DD 650
  • Capps DD 550
  • Cassin Young DD 793
  • Charles Ausburne DD 570
  • Charles J. Badger DD 657
  • Charrette DD 581
  • Chauncey DD 667
  • Chevalier DD 451
  • Clarence K. Bronson DD 668
  • Claxton DD 571
  • Cogswell DD 651
  • Colahan DD 658
  • Colhoun DD 801
  • Converse DD 509
  • Conway DD 507
  • Cony DD 508
  • Conner DD 582
  • Cotten DD 669
  • Cowell DD 547
  • Cushing DD 797
  • Daly DD 519
  • Dashiell DD 659
  • David W. Taylor DD 551
  • De Haven DD 469
  • Dortch DD 670
  • Dyson DD 572
  • Eaton DD 510
  • Erben DD 631
  • Evans DD 552
  • Fletcher DD 445
  • Franks DD 554
  • Foote DD 511
  • Fullam DD 474
  • Gatling DD 671
  • Gregory DD 802
  • Guest DD 472
  • Haggard DD 555
  • Hailey DD 556
  • Hale DD 642
  • Halford DD 480
  • Hall DD 583
  • Halligan DD 584
  • Halsey Powell DD 686
  • Haraden DD 585
  • Harrison DD 573
  • Hart DD 594
  • Hazelwood DD 531
  • Healy DD 672
  • Heermann DD 532
  • Heywood L. Edwards DD 663
  • Hickox DD 673
  • Hoel DD 533
  • Hopewell DD 681
  • Howorth DD 592
  • Hudson DD 475
  • Hunt DD 674
  • Hutchins DD 476
  • Ingersoll DD 652
  • Irwinn DD 794
  • Isherwood DD 520
  • Izard DD 589
  • Jarvis DD 799
  • Jenkins DD 447
  • John D. Henley DD 553
  • John Hood DD 655
  • John Rodgers DD 574
  • Johnston DD 557
  • Kidd DD 661
  • Killen DD 593
  • Kimberly DD 521
  • Knapp DD 653
  • Laws DD 558
  • La Vallette DD 448
  • Leutze DD 481
  • Lewis Hancock DD 675
  • Little DD 803
  • Longshaw DD 559
  • Luce DD 522
  • Marshall DD 676
  • McCord DD 534
  • McDermut DD 677
  • McGowan DD 678
  • McKee DD 575
  • McNair DD 679
  • Melvin DD 680
  • Mertz DD 691
  • Metcalf DD 595
  • Miller DD 535
  • Monssen DD 798
  • Morrison DD 560
  • Mullany DD 528
  • Murray DD 576
  • Newcomb DD 586
  • Nicholas DD 449
  • Norman Scott DD 690
  • O'Bannon DD 450
  • Owen DD 536
  • Paul Hamilton DD 590
  • Philip DD 498
  • Picking DD 685
  • Porter DD 800
  • Porterfield DD 682
  • Preston DD 795
  • Prichett DD 561
  • Pringle DD 477
  • Radford DD 446
  • Remey DD 688
  • Renshaw DD 499
  • Richard P. Leary DD 664
  • Ringgold DD 500
  • Robinson DD 562
  • Rooks DD 804
  • Ross DD 563
  • Rowe DD 564
  • Saufley DD 465
  • Schroeder DD 501
  • Shields DD 596
  • Sigourney DD 643
  • Sigsbee DD 502
  • Smalley DD 565
  • Spence DD 512
  • Sproston DD 577
  • Stanly DD 478
  • Stembel DD 644
  • Stephen Potter DD 538
  • Stevens DD 479
  • Stockham DD 683
  • Stoddard DD 566
  • Strong DD 467
  • Taylor DD 468
  • Terry DD 513
  • Thatcher DD 514
  • The Sullivans DD 537
  • Tingey DD 539
  • Trathen DD 530
  • Twiggs DD 591
  • Twining DD 540
  • Uhlmann DD 687
  • Van Valkenburgh DD 656
  • Wadleigh DD 689
  • Wadsworth DD 516
  • Walker DD 517
  • Waller DD 466
  • Watts DD 567
  • Wedderburn DD 684
  • Wickes DD 578
  • Wiley DD 597
  • William D. Porter DD 579
  • Wren DD 568
  • Yarnall DD 541
  • Young DD 580

We offer our Fletcher Class Destroyer Models (Round and Square Bridge) in several popular size/scale offerings for easy ordering and selection.  However, if you would like your model made in a size other than those sizes listed, please contact us with your request. Custom orders are our specialty!

Our Destroyer models are made-to-order, meaning that we do not stock any pre-made models.  Only when a customer tells us the size and/or scale desired do we build the model. Each model is exquisitely crafted by our master model builders and comes fully assembled with a solid hull - hand carved from kiln-dried mahogany.  Other parts are made from a variety of woods, putty, resin and metals. Every model includes pedestals, mounted on a polished mahogany base board.  Options include keel block mounting, waterline models, nameplates, ships seals and ribbons, and weathering paint schemes.

The model build time is generally 16 weeks from receipt of the order and deposit. The normal procedure is a 50% deposit with the commissioning, with the balance due prior to shipping.  Note that prior to shipping, we take a series of photos of the model and send them to you for final review and approval – so you know exactly what your model will look like and allow for any necessary modifications. Once you have approved your model, we’ll collect the final balance and she will be shipped in a robust shipping crate and insured for your protection.

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: In the unlikely event you are not completely satisfied with your model and wish to return it, notify us within 7 days of the model delivery and we will issue a refund or exchange.

FREE SHIPPING in the USA - Note that our model prices include shipping and insurance within the USA.

Shipping costs outside the USA will depend on the model size ordered and shipping destination. You will be responsible for any applicable taxes or duties, based on the commercial invoice value for the model.

Add a museum-like touch to your model display - Consider our protective display case option. Keep fingers and dust away - forever!  Please visit our Display Case page to see our selection.

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